Saturday, December 15, 2007

Stuff Happening

I have a few things on my mind today…none of which would be interesting enough to sustain their own separate blog entry…so what I have decided to do is just mish-mash-mosh-smoosh them together in one long-winded, uninteresting diatribe. Who knows, if I feel spunky, I might just use "bullet points" to separate each thought. But, being as I'm rarely ever spunky, I'll probably just hit the "Enter" key after each thought is completed. Unfortunately, MySpace's useless blog interface makes bullet points more exciting than they really are. Anyhow, on with the banality.

First up, for those of you who haven't heard (and there shouldn't be too many of you…but…you never know…), I'll be moving to Los Angeles with my lovely wife, and two of our lovely friends. We're all going to try to become actors of some kind. Or, at the very least, appear on some form of media created in Los Angeles. Now, this move could mean that I'd actually have something to blog about in the future…like LucyInLA, except you won't have to gaze at my gorgeous video visage. Yes, I made a YouTube reference. I'm sorry. Now, the four of us have the same agent in Los Angeles (who, apparently, has a really neat flash intro to his website). We also know several former classmates who are trying to make their own way (including fellow blogger and aspiring screenwriter Matt Owens, who runs a similar "Oh crap I'm in LA" blog, which I find very entertaining). We've also just secured a place to live in what is called "The hip Silverlake area." So, with all that support in place, we decided to have a go at it. It should be fun – even if you never see any of us on any kind of screen (silver or otherwise), it will be an adventure. So stay tuned for the trainwreck…

Second up, for those of you who haven't heard (and there are probably a lot of you), I'm in a musical right now. It's called Gifts of the Magi, and it's playing at ArtsWest Theatre in West Seattle. It's based on the old O. Henry story. I play the character of Soapy Smith, who comes on comedically (or as close as I am able to achieve) intermittently throughout the play. He's basically a homeless guy who is trying to get arrested so he can be somewhere warm for the winter (because nothing is funnier than homeless people and crime). Anyway, it's a pretty good show, that features the directing of this guy, and the acting of this girl…and (as the back of the script says) it's a "good family show" that is a "singing and dancing Christmas card." If that sounds like it's up your alley, you should come watch me mince about onstage.

Third up, for those of you who haven't heard (and that would include everyone reading this, because I've told no one), I just realized recently that two of my MySpace friends "un-friended" me. And I'm not talking about the "Top 4/8/12/16/20 Shuffle" (which I'm sure plent of people have agonized over, for whatever reason). I mean that these two individuals went to "edit friends," took a peek at my handsome default picture, un-checked my name, and hit the save button. Now….I mean…friends come, and friends go…people change…and so-on and so-forth…but…I mean, is my digital friendship really all that much of a burden (this is directed to the remaining 158 of you…a fantastic bunch, I must admit)? Especially former friend 2…who I did a show with me my freshman year at WWU…who still lives in Bellingham…whose name is Darby…and whose MySpace profile is here (don't worry…we have exactly 0 mutual friends…so I figure it's okay for me to drop her real name). I mean…I barely ever crossed digital paths with the woman (as you know I generally eschew posting bulletins, leaving lewd comments, etc.), but I had thought that Darby and I were somewhat friendly in real life. Heck, in the summer after my freshman year, I even drove down to Tacoma to see her production of Little Shop of Horrors (which was actually a fairly awful production of a show that deserves better, now that I think of it). But suddenly, without warning, I was evicted from her friend list. I don't get it. I have MySpace friends I haven't spoken to (in person) for over 10 years…and one in particular that I have never even met (props Mrs. Elizabeth I-Don't-Think-I-Ever-Learned-Your-Last-Name). But, ol' Darby decided it was not in her best interest to retain that "zero-obligation friendship" that MySpace affords. Oh well…as you can tell, I've moved on, and it doesn't bother me at all. But…actually…this reminds me…I'm thinking about starting up a MySpace Group called "Darby Is Not My Friend." You all are welcome to join…unless you're reading this, Darby…and if you are…then you can hit the bricks, because you don't belong.

(wow…isn't that funny that the most inconsequential topic I had to write about got the biggest paragraph? Man…there is something wrong with me)

Well, I think that's all I had to cover. A normal person could have written a 12 word blog: "Moving to LA. In a play. Un-friended by my new mortal enemy." But that's me…Sir Types-a-Lot.

But hey, I realize there are some of you out there (Sharla in particular) who haven't subscribed to my blog. This may be because some of you (Sharla in particular) may not be the most technically savvy people in the world. Now, if you'd like to subscribe, and get informed whenever there's a new post (Sharla in particular…hmm…that usage doesn't quite work, does it?) then all you need to do is click on that "Subscribe To This Blog" button on the left. You won't regret it…and who knows, if I get any nibbles here, I'll be sure to include you in an upcoming post. Such a deal, yes? Just ask Elizabeth. Well, until next time…hopefully coming to you live from Los Angeles…this is Tyler. Happy Holidays. Season's Greetings. Merry Christmas. And all that…

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