Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy...but Sad News

Well, I say "sad" news only because it's "sad" how often I blogged way back when I didn't have a full time job.

Which brings me, stumblingly, to the crux of this blog post. I've got a day job now. Doing something-or-other with mortgages...I'm sure it's very important, once I actually figure out what it is. Now, the sad part is the part that's probably only sad for me, and our cats: since I won't be home nearly as much as before, I won't be blogging at the "nearly ripping" pace that I had been previously. Oh, don't worry...I'll still fire off the occasional fascinating review of frozen foods...or a drunken rant about "Archie" comic books (does anyone, seriously, still read those? Anyone?)

So it's "goodbye" for now, but not "goodbye" for now. Wait...I think I said that wrong. It's "goodbye" for now, but "farewell" forever. No, that's not it either. Ick, that sounds like I'm committing suicide, and I'm not...not until they make finally manage to finally make "suicide painless."

But I guess what I'm saying is: sorry. For anyone who actually reads this blog (judging from my crude mathematical equations and my "My Readers" list, it looks like there are about 5 of you...poor souls...), there might be a significantly lower output in the coming months than there had been in the previous four (not like I was freaking Stephen King or anything...but still...I was gettin' the word out there pretty dang good).

So "ta" for now, and if you're craving more writing from me (and why on God's green earth anyone would be doing that is beyond my comprehension), check out my blog archives. You'll find entries ranging from how I fell in love with a woman on a telephone book, to how to how I hate juice, to how I find it's awesome that two professional cheerleaders made out in a bathroom. Riveting stuff, really.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

How To Kill A Tyler, in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1: Keep him up until 2:00 AM removing a set after his show has closed.

Step 2: On a "cruelly premature" daylight savings day (the absolute worst day of the year), wake him up at 6:45 AM and tell him to get his running shoes on.

Step 3: Make him run 5 kilometers (which, I believe, converts to 30 miles or so) in the driving wind and rain.

There it is. Now you all have the secret to my untimely demise. Pictures of said torture to follow...

Monday, March 5, 2007

I Have a Confession to Make...

So here's my confessions: sometimes when I blog, I'm not telling the whole truth. I may "fabricate" some things for comedic effect. For instance, I never actually threatened anyone (veiled or otherwise) in my "Friend Drive '07" post. That's what I like to call "comic exaggeration." It's just something I do to make my mundane life sound "fascinating." Also, the post I made about my "Valentines Day" gift to my lady? Well...I didn't actually give any of that stuff to her. In true romantic fashion, I ate it all right after I photographed it. Actually, if I remember correctly, that night we made some boxed noodle dish together, then watched a movie we'd rented, because we both (and I truly love Erika for this) think that Valentines Day is pretty retarded.

But I assure you, nothing in this post is fabricated or exaggerated (including the "currently watching" section. For reals. Shaq is actually "rapping" right now...).

So, giving you this coveted knowledge, I will move forward. Yesterday I had a mantinee performance of
Laughter on the 23rd Floor (tickets still available), and the first thing I noticed when I got home was a pleasant aroma. Something along the lines of "cooked food," only better. I was intrigued. I come upstairs to see my woman (pictured below) had not only cleaned our entire living room carpet, but was now tending to three different pans heating on the stove.

Now, normally when I'm presented with a situation like this, I got to jump into action and help out. There's rolls to be toasted...or salad to be mixed...or garlic to be pressed...or something. But no, Erika's got it all under control, and we pass the time talking about how my show went (FYI it went fine. Fine was settled. The show was...fine...)

Finally, what can only be described as a "gourmet meal" is finished. We eat it in front of the TV (reason #4,253 why Erika totally rules), and the menu consists of (and forgive me if I can't come up with "really cool" names for the stuff she put together):

-- Herb salad with homemade vinegarette dressing, carmelized walnuts, and crumbled blue cheese

-- Sauteed chicken breast halves with creamy walnut sauce

-- Buttered cheddar-green onion muffins

-- Fresh peas with sauteed onions and turkey bacon

-- 2005 Snoqualmie Chardonnay

Now, when I tell you that the meal was one of the best I've ever had, you've got to remember the "non-exaggeration" caveat that I placed at the beginning of this blog entry. It was freaking awesome. But in addition to that, it was all "healthy," from some health food magazine.

Then to top it off, the young lady made two dozen peanut butter oatmeal cookies which were served warm with milk (those were not so healthy...but who cares).

(Just to update those that were curious...Kazaam just turned human, and told his master: "You don't need me any more," to which the kid pleaded, "Please, Kazaam...don't leave me!" Heart-wrenching stuff...punched up with a swelling orchestral score)

Now, why would Erika go through all this trouble? Had we just had a fight...or was it a birthday...or an anniversary? Nope. Just a normal Sunday night...and she felt like cooking. I mean...damn, when people ask me, "So, tell me about Erika," I'm not always able to give a coherent response detailing just how amazing this woman is, and I'll end up cracking wise or something. But hopefully, with this post, you've got some idea now just how incredible she is...and that's just the tip of the iceberg, honestly. No exaggeration.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Things I Could Do Without

I listen a lot. In fact, one could argue that I "listen" far more than I actually "talk." I also "pee blood" far more often than I "watch the Oxygen network."

Now, having said that, from all this listening (and not watching hit shows like "Grace Under Fire," I've found myself hating different phrases...three in particular have drawn my ire:

-- "Now that's what I call a..." (i.e. "Now that's what I call a good answer," "Now that's what I call a guitar solo," "Now That's What I Call Music!") First off, I have a few minor issues with the grammatical structure of this cliché, but even aside from's just a little too goofy. I mean, regardless of whether a guitar solo is good or not, doesn't everyone agree that it's a "guitar solo?" What makes you so special that you have also declared it a "guitar solo?" Never made any dang sense to me...and I have a college degree...and an I.Q. in the high 30s...and shin splints...what was I talking about again...?

-- "Who says..." (i.e. "Who says science can't be fun?" "Who says safe computing must remain a pipe dream?" "Who says student activism is dead?") I must say, this one irks me the most. I mean, I love me a good rhetorical question to make a point, such as: "Have you ever pondered the rainbow?" or something equally profound/retarded. But please, please, never use this goddamn phrase. What bothers me is that people assume that everyone is saying the same thing, yet that's not true. I've never said science can't be fun, so I'm curious…who does say that? And why? Who would even care if someone said that (other than the author of the "who says" sentence) And really…someone said that student activism is dead? Really? Have they been on a college campus recently? Again, the person who uses this phrase is thinking a little too highly of their own vaunted opinion.

-- "What part of ____ don't you understand?" (i.e. "What part of 'illegal' don't you understand?" "What part of 'no' don't you understand?" "What part of 'Thou shalt not kill' don't you understand?") Oh boy, do I hate this one…mostly because it's the favorite tool of political reactionaries (the first and last are popular slogans of the anti-immigration and the pro-life crowd, respectively…the second is anti-rape, which is hard to mock…but is no less annoyingly self-satisfied). Again, this person is heavily vaunting their own opinion, to the point where they're questioning the vocabulary of their intended (and you know I love me some vocabulary). Truly awful.

Sorry, not much for funny this week. In recompense, check this out: Super Man Is A Dick.