Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2 Questions

I'm proud of being from Seattle. And, what's more, it seems to give me a certain amount of "street cred" from folks around here, which I like. Long story short -- Seattle is pretty universally well-liked. And since most of you reading this have links (of some kind) to Seattle, I thought you ought to know that.

A writer is a writer because he writes.

Now, once I get into the "fascinating details" of my life with the various folks I meet, I'll typically get one of two questions: "Do you miss Seattle?" And "How do you like Los Angeles?" I thought I'd take this opportunity to address those questions, so that, instead of vocalizing something in the future, I could scoff, turn my nose up, and say, "Read my blog, fool. READ IT!"

First off, do I miss Seattle? Hmm...maybe I should have figured out a quick answer to this question before I started blogging. Ah well.

Here's the long-winded version (because I'm feeling verbose tonight): sometimes. Those sometimes are typically between the months of May and October, when I'm on the verge of dying from heat stroke.

What I do miss are the people. And not just the obvious ones -- family, friends, and enemies. But the people in general. Seattle is a smart city, and I like smart people. In fact, intelligence is something of a virtue in Seattle, and I like that. Physical appearance, wealth, and popularity are not (generally) as important in Seattle as intelligence and success. And I dig that. I don't know if you've heard this or not, but Los Angeles attracts a large number of...shallow folk. And dumb folk. Seattle has those too...but it seems like not nearly as many as there are down here. And I like that.

Having said that, I was in Seattle over Thanksgiving and Christmas of last year, and while I had a great time with some amazing people that I'm proud to call "friends, family, and enemies," it never really felt like "home." In fact, I can't recall ever having felt "homesickness" in Los Angeles up to this point. So, while I'll always have a soft place in my heart for Seattle, and given the choice, it's where I'd prefer to live and raise a family. But the reality is, I can't do what I want to do with my life living in Seattle. Maybe what I want to do will change...but for now...it's Los Angeles or bust.

Which brings me to question #2: how do I like Los Angeles? Well, we lost a good man recently -- Mr. Matthew "Spap" Owens pulled up stakes and sidled on back to Seattle. His farewell blog entry is here
, for those of you who were interested. It makes very clear his feelings about Los Angeles...and without my wife here, it's very likely I would have been similarly burned out after a year-and-a-half.

But...Los Angeles. City of Angels. Yes, I'm stalling. Here's the thing about LA -- I don't really feel one way or the other about living here. Because, to me, I'm interested in the film industry. If the film industry was located in Dallas, then I would live in Dallas. The city is immaterial to me. I haven't gotten caught up in the LA culture too much, and I've not done a tremendous amout of sightseeing (though I've got this cool shot of Erika and I at the top of a frigging mountain)

So there's stuff to love. It's just...for me...a place to sleep at night, and occasionally play video games in. I don't love it, I don't hate it, it's just...the city I currently reside in.

As a side note, I'm pleased to report that I'm doing a little bit of writing, and this coming Saturday, something I wrote is going to be filmed. I'm pretty excited about that -- I'll post stuff here when it's in a "post-able state."

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