Friday, April 7, 2006

I Wasn't Going to Tell Anyone This...

On Wednesday, on my way to work, I had a banana, a Coke, and a sleeve of saltine crackers for breakfast. I thought, "If I only eat a banana, it'll be too sugary...and I need to drink some kind of fluid (fluid = Coke in my world). So, why not balance it out with an entire sleeve of absorb the acidity of the Coke and the banana."

So, I finished at about 8:30 AM. The stomach ache started at about 9:10 AM, and proceeded until about 7:30 PM that night. For all of you aspiring "sleeve of crackers for breakfasters" out there, I say...just don't do it. Or, if you do, add "shot of Pepto" to that list, and enjoy.

On to happier news. I have a new invention. We were at a friend's house recently, and he pulled out some vacuum-sealed, pre-cooked salmon that was tender, smoked, and (if I didn't hate all seafood, would have been) totally delicious.

Now, because I hate seafood, this got me to thinking; why only salmon? So, my new invention (feel free to steal this idea...I will be first in line to buy 'er) is vacuum-sealed, smoked, flavored pot roast sticks. Because who doesn't love pot roast? We've got plenty of dried, chewy, totally delicious meats to choose from...why not a tender, pre-cooked, barbecue flavored stick of beef to jam into your mouth (or, if you so desire, onto a cracker of your choosing).

I'm telling you, someone will make money off of this idea. Not I, however. I'm pretty busy with this puzzle you don't mind, I'd like to get back to it...

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