Friday, August 29, 2008


Sometimes I figure it's in my best interests to just write. Nothing planned, nothing germinating...just lob some lousy words out to the information superhighway. I figure I'd see if anything interesting happens.

First off, I'll brag a little bit...or more accurately, "gab about famous people I've seen." In the past couple of weeks I played poker with Harold Perrineau from Lost, saw Andy Dick coming out of a video store in Silverlake, and got to watch Scott Bakula, Candice Bergen, Eliza Dushku, Joss Wheden, Brad Garrett, and Michael Hitchcock work on set. Some of those guys I've only known recently, but some of them were pretty much icons for me growing up (I must have watched nearly every episode of Quantum Leap). It's something I almost take for granted now -- working and living in and amongst famous people. But, I still get googly eyed around the right folks...which makes me feel terribly uncool.

Second off, my 10 year high school reunion happened sometime last week, I think. I don't know...obviously I didn't go. Several of my MySpace friends did go, apparently...though the party seemed to mainly consist of people I was "friendly" with, but not my actual high school friends. High school was an interesting time for me -- I never really identified with a single group. I did drama, but I never really got into the culture, or socialized with my fellow theater people outside of school. Same goes for band. My actual close friends were mainly a loose-knit association of intelligent, sarcastic wise-cracking nihilists -- not the sort of people who you'd see lining the walls of the 10 year reunion. But I'm sure the people who attended had a good time -- perhaps The Hunt can elaborate further...when he's back from Burning Man.

Third off, I'm still waiting patiently for the upswing of the "great wheel of good fortune" to come 'round again. This month has been difficult -- I'm not going to lie to you. Most of my problems are really just money-related, but stressing over that has surely been responsible for this nasty infestation I seem to have sprouted on my temples:

For those of you without advanced degrees in trichology, that is a series of several gray hairs that have begun an invasion...just above the ear. Maybe it's the climate here, maybe it's the worry, or maybe it's just my dastardly genetics (thanks ma and pa). Either way, my body is slowly deteriorating; gravity always wins. And to top it off, somehow, unfairly, I happen to have married a woman who just gets prettier and prettier...

Fourthly, my professional career seems to have stalled for the time being. I want to blame things on the possible SAG Strike, or my own personal lack of funds, or me putting things off until I return from Europe. But the reality is that...try as I might, I'm just not making any discernable headway at present. I dunno''ll take more than this little dry spell to fully discourage me, but it is a teence frustrating...honestly.

But, this whining goes contrary to the "pump it up" blog I posted in Bellingham, so I will cease and desist. But really...does anyone "desist" something without first "ceasing" it? I mean...has desist ever been used in a sentence independant of "cease?" Apparently, only by the California Department of Corporations and India.

But enough is enough. I promise I'll post something with better updates next time -- you may get to see me on BOSTON LEGAL! ISN'T THAT GREAT!?!?!? Stuff like'll be amazing. Until then, here's a picture of a flapping hippie bird:

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