Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy...but Sad News

Well, I say "sad" news only because it's "sad" how often I blogged way back when I didn't have a full time job.

Which brings me, stumblingly, to the crux of this blog post. I've got a day job now. Doing something-or-other with mortgages...I'm sure it's very important, once I actually figure out what it is. Now, the sad part is the part that's probably only sad for me, and our cats: since I won't be home nearly as much as before, I won't be blogging at the "nearly ripping" pace that I had been previously. Oh, don't worry...I'll still fire off the occasional fascinating review of frozen foods...or a drunken rant about "Archie" comic books (does anyone, seriously, still read those? Anyone?)

So it's "goodbye" for now, but not "goodbye" for now. Wait...I think I said that wrong. It's "goodbye" for now, but "farewell" forever. No, that's not it either. Ick, that sounds like I'm committing suicide, and I'm not...not until they make finally manage to finally make "suicide painless."

But I guess what I'm saying is: sorry. For anyone who actually reads this blog (judging from my crude mathematical equations and my "My Readers" list, it looks like there are about 5 of you...poor souls...), there might be a significantly lower output in the coming months than there had been in the previous four (not like I was freaking Stephen King or anything...but still...I was gettin' the word out there pretty dang good).

So "ta" for now, and if you're craving more writing from me (and why on God's green earth anyone would be doing that is beyond my comprehension), check out my blog archives. You'll find entries ranging from how I fell in love with a woman on a telephone book, to how to how I hate juice, to how I find it's awesome that two professional cheerleaders made out in a bathroom. Riveting stuff, really.

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