Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We Are the Crap

Here's the 2010 version of We Are the World, officially titled "We Are the World 25 For Haiti":

Here's the original 1985 video:

And here's an SNL cold open, which was the first I'd heard of the 2010 version being released:

Finally, Huey Lewis gained "thirty points worth of awesome" (redeemable at my house) for his Jimmy Kimmel-produced parody video.

You still with me? No? Dammit. That'll teach me to lead off with 20 minutes of video for you guys to slog through to get to the meaty, sweet, tasty written-section of this blog.

Okay, well, since only the true die-hards are left...I'll tell you all what Mr. Jones could have done to fix the new, suck-tacular "We Are the World."

First off, here's what I liked:

  • Wyclef Jean's crazy demon wail (let him do whatever the hell he wants, the man's Haitian, and as far as I know, he's the only Haitian singer in the entire world).
  • Pink and Kelly Clarkson (one of the few singers who could sounded like they could sing without digital assistance).
  • Jeff Bridges (one of my favorite actors...casting pearls before swine).
Here's what I didn't like:
  • Pretty much everything else.
First off, and most obvious to me...the recycled Michael Jackson footage was just deplorably pandering. P-A-andering. And when Janet Jackson appeared like a reverse Ghost Dad, I literally vomited, which was gross...because it tasted like...Jesus juice...

But, since I have you all here...let me be honest. I've always liked the idea of a "singing super-group." I like watching famous singers get one or two lines of a song, then over-sing it as much as they possibly can -- it brings me joy. I even liked Voices that Care (featuring a strangely attractive, non-skeletal Celine Dion), and the MTV All-Star's remake of What's Going On? And, of course, I frigging loved the original "We Are the World." I pretty much have every inflection from every soloist in that song memorized. That's how much I listened to, and loved that song.

However, this We Are the 2010 World 25 Haiti Are The thing is just a heaping pile of fail...and I use that word sheepishly, because I'm starting to tire of people using "fail" as a noun.

So if I'm recording legend Quincy Jones...and I'm raking this dung heap into a manageable pile, here's what I tell the people:
  1. If you require the use of Auto-Tune to sing, you can help lend your voice from the security of the Dan Ackroyd Memorial Bleachers. I'd rather have a room full of Bob Dylans and Cyndi Laupers than a single T-Pain.
  2. Leave the drippy, self-important, blow-hard sincerity at the door. See how the 1985 singers were all smiling, and having a good time (except for Springsteen...who looked like he just got over food poisoning)? You don't have to look like you're in pain to show you care. In fact, all the serious faces make you look like a bit of a knob-job.
  3. If you are barely notable enough for a Wikipedia article, you are not welcome. Yes, I'm looking at you, Nipsey Hussle.
  4. Jamie Foxx -- go away.
  5. Seriously. Just go away. Ray was a massively overrated movie, and it doesn't make you a musician. The Soloist sucked too. I don't care if you know how to play the piano. Go away.
  6. No old people singing solos. Sorry. I respect your body of work, but your voices don't match the "pop" feel of the song. Feel free to join us from the bleachers.
  7. "Change" has three syllables, Celine. It also has an "I." Trust me, it does.
  8. Rapping in unison hasn't been cool since Run DMC did it. Break that section up. Each of you gets a line. Except for you, Swizz Beatz. I have no idea who you are. How did you get past security?
  9. Why on earth would you drop the dynamics going into the first chorus? You've got Celine doing her wacky French-Canadian run-a-thon which leads to.......a quiet, down-played chorus. It gave me whiplash. Shouldn't the chorus come in over the top and soar like a soaring eagle soaring over the Azores? I mean, that's what the build-up is for, right?
  10. Everyone take off your damn sunglasses. You're indoors. I know you need them to look cool, but you don't look cool. You look like you're high. Plus, your unnecessary sunglasses cost about as much as a Haitian makes in 3 months. You can only wear sunglasses if you're blind, and there are only three blind of which is six feet under.
  11. Who are those two strange looking old guys in salmon-colored button-up shirts? Did they win this opportunity from a silent auction at their country club?
  12. Everyone wears a pair of headphones. Everyone. No exceptions. Even if they're not plugged in to anything, you wear them. This is essential. Bonus points if only one ear is covered. Also, at some point you must press the headphones to your ear with one hand, else are you going to be able to hear the music?
  13. DO IT LIVE!!! Seriously, how cool was it to see Tina Turner throw it to Billy Joel? Or to see Willie Nelson miss the first couple of notes in his duet line with Dionne Warwick (who then held up the words for him to read)? Or how Bruce Springsteen leaned into the microphone like he was mad at it? Now we get snapshots of a bunch of static, lifeless, studio sessions? That's just lame, and uninteresting.
  14. No, Jamie Foxx, your Ray Charles impression was not funny. It was stupid. Especially after the little cocky laugh and swagger you gave when it was done.
  15. Please don't play to the cameras. In fact, please just ignore the cameras. When you look down the barrel it's creepy. Besides, this is about the music, not the egotistical weirdos.
  16. Everyone needs to be holding sheet music. I know you have it memorized. Good for you. It doesn't matter. Hold the music. It looks better. Trust me. I'm Quincy Jones.
  17. Could we possibly inject a little "Haitian Folk Music" into this thing? I mean...Wyclef tried, but the rest of the piece was so bland and poppy that he just came off sounding like a wailing maniac in the final cut.
  18. Less head-bobbing and false sincerity on the chorus, more swaying. Swaying is cool, and it creates the appearance that you all actually like each other.
  19. Let the ladies from Heart sing, for God's sake. People need to be made more aware of this band, and the fact that Ann Wilson still has a ridiculously awesome voice.
  20. Jamie Foxx, are you still here? Go away.
Now, for stuff that bothered other people, but didn't really bother me. I thought the rap section was well-written, but the performance was all wrong. That Bieber kid didn't bother me too much, but his voice was auto-tuned...which does bother me. I don't particularly like Josh Groban's voice, but his presence did not offend me. Same goes for Miley Cyr--I mean Hannah Montana. Whoops. That was a close one.

What do we take away from all this? Well, hopefully I've given you the malady that's been with me for the last couple of days. That is -- this goofy song is stuck tight in my head. I thought blogging about it would make the music go away...but I'm afraid that it just made it worse. Damn.

1 comment:

  1. Ty, I am an old person now, so I did not listen to any of the vids, and, admittedly, did not read all your japes and jibes, once I saw where you were heading. My two cents vis-a-vis this form of entertainment is, do it once, do it as well as you can, don't do it again. It reminds me of Elton John's insipid tribute to Marilyn Monroe (Candle in the Wind) which was at least touching, even though containing absurd lyrics like:

    "They crawled out of the woodwork
    And they whispered into your brain
    They set you on a treadmill
    And they made you change your name."

    Yeah, she didn't want any part of that all right, but what else could she do when "they" were holding a gun to her head. But that's what happens when you sit on the roof and pick off the moss when a few of the verses have got you quite cross.

    But then, when he re-issued the tune with different lyrics on the occasion of the demise of Princess Diana, he moved from insipid to ridiculous.

    It was then I seized the opportunity to try and create a new category of musical entertainment called, the APL song. (All Purpose Lament), and rewrote the lyrics as follows:

    Goodbye (enter name or euphemism here)

    Though I (never; sometimes; always) (knew; had; held) you (at all; often; deeply)

    You had the (grace; smarts: balls) to (hold; yank; grasp) yourself

    (While; Where; When) (those; who be; themthere) nearby you (crawled out of; ripped apart; scampered over) (the woodwork; living tissue; a cheeseburger).

    Well, you get the idea. Funny, I got no response from my submission to the Elton and Bernie website.

    Anyhow, if it was art propelling a sequel, I could perhaps be more understanding, but mostly these things seem to be driven by money preying on sappy sentimentality.

    The Old Man
