Monday, January 14, 2008


So, I know this will pass...but I'm currently one of those schmucks making eye contact with every person driving a nice car in L.A., trying to see through the limo tint and catch a glimpse of celebrity. It's annoying...and pretty embarassing (wow...I don't think I know how to spell that word...that's embarrasing) to admit to. But I am. I make eye contact with every person in the supermarket, hoping that I'll catch a castmember of The Office...or something.

Just yesterday we decided to go to an Upright Citizens Brigade show in Hollywood...because it cost a dollar. I thought to myself, "Oh...a dollar. That's fine. We'll get to see some enthusiastic college-aged kids on an "improv team" do a harold-format show. It'd just be good to get out of the house."

Well, we show up, and there's a line filled with hipsters and their hipster girlfriends (many hoodies, casual neckties, uncombed hair, plastic rimmed glasses...that kind of thing). We get our seats (it's a tiny little theater that they jammed with at least a hundred people...which had "fire code violation" written all over it), and when the show starts, freaking Matt Walsh and Matt Besser, the two founders of the company, come strolling out and start warming up the crowd. Holy crap...these are two guys who I'd seen on TV and in the movies dozens times, were onstage in this crappy little theater...about 5 feet from me. I was tickled.

Then they introduced the "special guest," who was none other than Jeff Garlin. eyes were replaced by little cartoon-y stars.

The show itself? Freaking hilarious. Made me want to be all hip, and go get the original series on DVD.

But enough of that. Basically, the point is, there's famous people here...all over the place. Right now I realize that I'm being very un-cool and giggly, but in Seattle the closest I got to a bona-fide celebrity was seeing David Cross doing stand-up at Bumbershoot. I'm sure the "jaded" will appear sometime soon...but for now...I'm just tittering like Perez Hilton.

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